I sense – and I’m sure you do, too – that great change is on the approaching horizon. I lean towards it and feel the thud of the glass wall – the bell jar – that encases me.
It’s the holding pattern. And I am in it.
You know you’re in a holding pattern when you crave forward movement but you feel you’re at a standstill or worse, moving backwards.
You know you’re in a holding pattern when you sense change is coming, yet you’re not quite sure how to engage with it, or what your role is.
Your holding pattern could be writer’s block, staring immobile at a blank canvas, unable to speak up or take the next step on your path.
Your holding pattern could arrive with major life transition, including loss, grief, or upheaval. Or war – inside or outside of you.
Your holding pattern might look like walking in circles, feeling lost or off track, stuck in quicksand. Feeling left behind. Wrong place wrong time, or somehow you’re not living on purpose. Oh, yeah, and what’s my purpose again?
The holding pattern can cause you to forget. It may manifest as exhaustion, confusion, weariness, frustration, impatience and worry that you’ll never get there.
Don’t feel like reading? Rather watch or listen? I feel ya! Enjoy this video that also includes a guided heart-focused practice on radical acceptance of all that is.
Your holding pattern may last 30 minutes or it might last 30 months.
If you feel like this, I invite you to compassionately ask yourself where is there?
Because remember, the holding pattern can cause you to forget.
The holding pattern’s mantra may as well be: the only way out is through (radical acceptance).
Immense change is underfoot and what appears true at face value is likely a farce. Dissonance comes in waves.
The Earth herself is shifting radically. And thanks to cosmic shifts and support from the ethereal, we are too, though it may seem imperceptible to you.
If you’re in a holding pattern, the invitation is to sink into it. Ask deep questions of it and yourself.
The holding pattern is gestational. So why not ask: What beautiful form is waiting to be birthed?
What can feel like endless waiting may just be the most profound creation experience of your life. And radical acceptance of what it is – no matter how comfortable – is the only way through.
The early part of the holding pattern can invite you to struggle against it, to force yourself into action in an attempt to jumpstart your way through it.
But once you’re deep in the squishy butterfly soup, you’ve likely exhausted that pushing energy. Which is good. It allows you to surrender to what is – to a process greater than yourself.
If this is you and you’re in a holding pattern, I invite you to remember this is not so much about becoming your true self as it is about unbecoming your old conditioned self.
The new world awaits, Beloved. And you are birthing it inside yourself. One loving moment at a time.
Big Love!
P.S. If you’d like to be held in sacred sisterhood while you transit your holding pattern, the Sacred Sanctuary might be the perfect place for you to land. The Sanctuary is my sweet, safe and sacred membership for spiritual women on a shared mission to living their soul’s unique purpose. Receive coaching and energy healing transmissions from me, participate in sacred ceremony, meditations and more. Learn more here or send me a message for more info.